Bring it on 2009!!!
I'm so excited about the New Year and what it will bring to everyone. So far so good!!
On New Years Eve we asked everyone what was the best thing of 2008. I was thinking about this and I realize I have so many things to be greatful for and realize how pretty damn lucky I am.
I have the best husband in the world. He works hard everyday to make sure I'm able to stay home with Skylee, and we get a long so well. He always put his family over what he wants or needs. He is probably the most unselfish person I know.
Then my family I love them so much and so greatful everyday that I have them. I know they are always there for me.
And probably the best thing that every happened to me would be Skylee. She is a little angel.
I never wanted to be a mom and I realize that is the best job in the world and would never want to trade that for anything. I can't wait to teach her everything that I was taught by my parents and grandparents.
So anyways I'm wishing everyone a Happy and Healthy New Year!!!